News > Search > "dinner plates": 2 results
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Hali Vradelis @ VIETRI 179 days ago • Mar. 13, 2024 • 11:17 AM
Available in a variety of plates and serving accessories, this beautifully handsponged collection has us ready for longer and brighter days spent around the table.🌷🌼
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Colleen's China Sept. 16, 2015 • 8:52 AM • 3,280 days ago
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Colleen's China Sept. 16, 2015 • 8:52 AM • 3,280 days ago

The Georgia History dinner plates were designed in 1932. The Georgia History salad plates were designed in 2015. It's been a LONG time coming! Please join us for our History Plate Event/Celebration! Thursday,Sept 17, from 4 til 8 pm!!
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September 16, 2015 • 10:14 AM

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September 16, 2015 • 11:28 AM
Colleen's China:
Thank you! We are looking forward to our event!!

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