News > Search > "Golden Honey": 2 results
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Skyros Designs May 27, 2015 • 10:48 PM • 3,400 days ago
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Skyros Designs May 27, 2015 • 10:48 PM • 3,400 days ago

Pick A Color... Any Color...
12 Exquisite Cantaria Colors, Endless Possibilities...

Pine, Caramel, Golden Honey, Poppy Red, Almost Yellow, Ivory, Sand, Greige, Sage, Persimmon, Sheer Blue, White

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Skyros Designs May 3, 2015 • 10:06 PM • 3,424 days ago
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Skyros Designs May 3, 2015 • 10:06 PM • 3,424 days ago

Create Your Own Sunshine and Set a Colorfully Cheerful Table with Cantaria Golden Honey... a perfect place setting to brighten your day!!

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